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Camasutra - The Mispelled Ancient Practice

August 2023 | Steve Travels


When delving into the world of ancient practices and texts, one might stumble upon "Camasutra," a term that seems intriguing but is, in reality, a common misspelling. The actual term is "Kamasutra," an ancient Indian Sanskrit text on sexuality, eroticism, and emotional fulfillment in life.

The Origin of the Kamasutra

The Kamasutra is believed to have been composed between the 2nd and 4th centuries CE by the sage Vatsyayana. It stands as one of the earliest, and perhaps most renowned, treatises on human sexuality and love. Far from being a mere "sex manual," it offers insights into the nature of love, family life, and other aspects pivotal to leading a balanced life.

Mistaken Identity: Camasutra vs. Kamasutra

The misspelling "Camasutra" likely arose from a combination of phonetic errors and the natural evolution of language as it travels across cultures. It's a testament to the influence of the Kamasutra that its name, even when mispronounced or misspelled, sparks interest.

Beyond Eroticism: The True Depth of the Kamasutra

The Kamasutra categorizes desires into three distinct types:

  1. Dharma - moral virtues.
  2. Artha - material prosperity.
  3. Kama - sensual pleasure.

The text emphasizes that all three are equally important and should be pursued without compromising the other.

Moreover, only about 20% of the Kamasutra discusses physical love. The remainder of the text delves into the intricacies of love, finding a life partner, and the nature of relationships.

Why the Mispelling Matters

Names and words hold power. The misspelling "Camasutra" detracts from the rich history, depth, and significance of the original Kamasutra. Recognizing and addressing such errors helps us respect and understand cultures and their contributions to global knowledge.


The Kamasutra is a monumental work, symbolizing the ancient Indian civilization's advanced understanding of human relationships, desires, and social structures. By using its correct name and understanding its full scope, we honor both the work itself and the culture from which it originated. As with any ancient text or practice, precision in its representation ensures that its wisdom is passed down accurately and respectfully.