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The Best Witchcraft Books to Read in 2023

February 2023 | Steve Travels

Are you curious about witchcraft and eager to explore more about its practices and beliefs? Well, you're in luck because this article discusses the best books on witchcraft. There are plenty of fascinating witchcraft books and this list is a great place to start. These books look deep into witchcraft history, and you need to read them this year. So, grab a cup of chamomile tea and get ready to expand your understanding of this fascinating topic;

Top 5 Witchcraft Books To Read This Year:

  1. "The Key of Solomon the King" by S. L. MacGregor Mathers. This most celebrated of all magical textbooks, shrouded in mystery. It's a classic grimoire that is considered to be one of the most important texts in the Western magical tradition. Why do magic practitioners use protective circles? This book describes the magic circle, which is still widely used by practitioners of Wicca, Thelema, and the Golden Dawn, albeit in more elaborate forms. It provides a detailed guide to the practice of ceremonial magic, including instructions for creating talismans and performing complex rituals. The content is quite dense and targeted towards scholars interested in learning the mysteries and history of magic.

  2. "Witch: Unleashed. Untamed. Unapologetic." by Lisa Lister. Though a witch is essentially a wise person and a healer, the term has long been associated with negativity. Lisa Lister, a third-generation hereditary witch, delves into the history of witchcraft in this book, highlighting how identifying as a healer in the past resulted in women being burned at the stake, and why the witch is experiencing a resurgence among women worldwide. This book is a modern and empowering guide to witchcraft, written for women who want to unleash their inner witch and tap into their intuition and inner power. It covers a wide range of topics, from spells and rituals to the history of witchcraft and goddess worship.

  3. "Aradia: The Gospel of the Witches" by Charles Leland. While its authenticity is contested by some, others regard it as an indispensable source for examining and comprehending Italian witch folklore during the 19th century. Nonetheless, this 1899 masterpiece has established itself as a fundamental document in the evolution of modern Wicca and neopaganism. According to Leland, his "witch informant" Maddalena, who was a fortune-teller, provided him with clandestine writings that he translated and merged with his research on Italian pagan customs, resulting in a guide to pagan beliefs and rituals. An influential text in the history of Wicca and is considered to be one of the earliest known examples of literature that details the practices and beliefs of the pagan witchcraft tradition of Italy.

  4. "The Witch's Book of Self-Care" by Arin Murphy-Hiscock. From Wiccan author Arin Murphy-Hiscock comes this fantastic guide. This book combines self-care practices with witchcraft to help readers improve their overall wellbeing. With a focus on nurturing the body and spirit through herbal remedies, spells, and rituals, this guide offers a unique and enchanting approach to self-care. You'll find a huge amount of topics covered in this book including meditation, journaling, and even using crystals and tarot cards for personal growth.
  5. "To Ride a Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft" by Silver RavenWolf. 

    For anyone new to Wicca or witchcraft, this book is an excellent point of departure. It serves as a valuable study resource that I have personally referred to on numerous occasions, whether to revisit a topic or to acquire fresh insights. This comprehensive guide caters to the needs of the new generation of solitary witches worldwide who wish to practice the Craft independently without a physical magical support group. This book blends the science and religion of Witchcraft, providing readers with an opportunity to become an active participant in the practice while progressing at their own pace. It is suitable for anyone, irrespective of age, gender, or religious background, including novices and advanced practitioners.

Books related to witches vary in style, ranging from whimsical and endearing to historically precise and vibrant and cartoonish. These books on witchcraft can certainly be informative and insightful, but it is crucial to keep in mind that they are meant to be used as guides to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the practice. You must approach all spiritual pursuits with caution and respect. You should be open to learn from more experienced practitioners if needed. Witchcraft is a complex and nuanced practice that requires thoughtful consideration and attention.